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CSDataQuickThis project brings EPICS control system data into QML/QtQuick programming. OverviewThe QML module provides a CSData object to model CSDataQuick.Data control system data, and a collection of visual QtQuick items to control/monitor the data. These visual items are ready to be used inside the Qt Quick Designer by a drag-n-drop. In addition it includes the following programs,
Checkout the documents to get started. DownloadsThe source repository is on github. The source code tarball is available on the release page. anaconda users can install the package from paulscherrerinstitute channel $ conda install -c paulscherrerinstitute csdataquick For users' convenience, ready-to-use binary packages are provided. They are self contained with Qt libraries builtin, together with a stripped down Qt Creator to provide a Drag-n-drop QtQuick designer.