CSGraphics QML Type

Basic type to all graphics shapes. More...

Import Statement: import CSDataQuick.Components 1.0


Inherited By:

CSArc, CSImage, CSOval, CSPolygon, CSPolyline, CSRect, and CSText


Detailed Description

CSGraphics is the base type for all graphics types. It defines all the attributes that are common across graphics shapes.

Property Documentation

alarmColor : color

This property holds the color based on the severity of the associated CSData.

It is one of the ColorMap.invalid_alarm, ColorMap.minor_alarm, ColorMap.major_alarm and ColorMap.no_alarm.

colorMode : int

This property indicates how foreground color changes.

See also ColorMode.

edgeStyle : int

This property holds the outline style.

See also EdgeStyle.

fillStyle : int

This property indicates whether draw outline only or fill the shape.

See also FillStyle.

lineWidth : int

This property holds the outline width.