CSByte QML Type

Display bits of an unsigned integer. More...

Import Statement: import CSDataQuick.Components 1.0



Detailed Description

It display values in binary. It masks off the lower 32 bits and treats them as an unsigned integer. The bit set is filled with foreground color, and the unset bit is filled with background color.

CSByte {
    source: 'calc'

Property Documentation

end : int

This property indicates the ending bit to be displayed at the right or bottom. The integer is in the range 0-31. The ending bit can be smaller than starting bit, which causes the direction to appear reversed.

orientation : int

  • Qt.Horizontal: Start Bit at the left and End Bit at the right
  • Qt.Vertical: Start Bit at the top and End Bit at the bottom

start : int

This property indicates the starting bit to be displayed at the left or top. The integer is in the range 0-31,