CS2DSscan QML Type

Display 2D sscan. More...

Import Statement: import CSDataQuick.Components 1.0



Detailed Description

sscan is a flexible way to move positioners through a series of positions and record detector data at each of the positions.

The following PVs are relavent:

SSCAN PVDescription
$(X)CPTCurrent point of X dimension
$(X)NPTSNumber of points of X dimension
$(X)PnSPStart point of positioner n of X dimension
$(X)PnEPEnd point of positioner n of X dimension
$(X)EXSCExecute scan flag of X dimension
$(Y)CPTCurrent point of Y dimension
$(Y)NPTSNumber of points of Y dimension
$(Y)PnSPStart point of positioner n of Y dimension
$(Y)PnEPEnd point of positioner n of Y dimension
$(Y)EXSCExecute scan flag of Y dimension
$(X)DnnDAEnd of scan detector array of X dimension
$(X)DnnCVCurrent detector value of X dimension
CS2DSscan {
    scanX: 'MTEST:scan1'
    scanY: 'MTEST:scan2'

Property Documentation

detX : int

This property holds the sscan record detector number of X dimension

posX : int

This property holds the sscan record positioner number of X dimension

posY : int

This property holds the sscan record positioner number of Y dimension

scanX : string

This property holds the sscan record prefix of X dimension

scanY : string

This property holds the sscan record prefix of X dimension

title : string

This property holds the graph title