

Updated: 06.04.2021

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A Short List of Usefull Commands

Files and Directories
cd "change directory" When this command is entered without argument, it will change the directory to the home directory of the user. If a directory name is entered after the command, it will change to this directory. To go one directory up use "cd ..". Example: cd /G/TRAINING/T1
cp "copy" Copies a file to another destination or copy it with another name. The first argument is the original, the second is the new destination or name. Example: cp MTEST-VME-T1_startup.script test This command makes a copy from the original file MTEST-VME-T1_startup.script and names the copy test.
ll "long list" This is a short cut of the command "ls -l", which lists the contents of a directory in a detailed way. The command needs no arguments. A line of the output looks like -rw-rw-r- 1 zimoch_e sls 686 Mar 30 08:29 startup.script
The first ten characters show the file access permissions (and if it is a file or a directory), then the owner of the file and the group the owner belongs to are displayed. The number 686 in the example line is the file size in bytes. Then the date of the last change is shown and finaly the name of the file.
pwd "print working directory" Shows the full name of the current directory. The command takes no argument.
rm "remove" This will delete the file given as argument. Attention: The file is gone after this command! There is no trashcan where you can get it back if you accidentally deleted it. Think twice! Example: rm test
Text Files
nedit One of the many editors available on Linux. It is easy to use and therefore will be used in the EPICS Training. If you give a file name after the command, this file will be opened in the editor. Otherwise, if you do not specify a file, a blank editor is opened and you can choose a file with the menu File (and then Open....). Example: nedit G_TRAINING_T1_COOLER.template
Commands with Graphical Interfaces
tkdiff Shows the differences between two files on a graphical user interface. The two files can be added as arguments or selected when the program starts.
tkcvs This is a graphical user interface for CVS (Concurrent Versions System) which is used at the SLS to keep track of all important files.
Online Help
man Shows a help text for a command (from manual). Example: man man

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Zimoch Elke 2009-04-14

Updated: 06.04.2021   Source: /afs/