Author: A.Bertrand, A.Bertrand
Phone: +41 56 310 2765
Updated: 29.11.2007
Printer friendly version
Obsolete and unsupported!
1. Introduction
This module is intended to be used by a php Web applications. A dedicated php
application will give the users, beamline scientists, etc. the possibility to
create their own panels and Web pages to observe EPICS process variables without
having to write the php code.
To read, set or monitor EPICS channels from a php Web page the PHP
was extended. The EPICS functions have been implemented in a PHP_EPICS dynamic
external module (
The module is loaded by a php script, i.e. php Web page at run time by using
the function dl().
It loads a shared object from disk and makes its functionality available to the
php script.
The examles in section 3. explain how to use the module in a php page.
2. Supported Versions / Platforms
PHP_EPICS has been tested with/on
Operating Systems
- linux-x86 (2.4)
- red-hat 9
EPICS Versions
PHP version
php_epics.tgz (14Kb)
3. Functions implemented
ca_get |
varriant ca_get(string channel_name) |
Get the value of the channel and return it with the
correct variable type (double, int, string) |
ca_put |
string ca_put(string channel_name,string channel_value) |
Set the value of the specified channel to the new value.
Returns either OK or an error message. |
ca_monitor |
string ca_monitor(string channels,int timouout,string callback) |
Setup a monitor on the channels (separated by commas) for
the given "timeout" number of seconds. The function
"callback" will be called each time some channel values change.
The callback function need to receive 2 parameters, where the first is
the channel modified, and the second is the new value. If 0 is
specified for the timeout, the monitor will continue forever
(not recommended). |
ca_type | string ca_type(string channel) |
Return the type of data. |
ca_state | string ca_state(string channel) |
Return the state of the channel. For example "Valid chid, connected
to server" |
ca_info | array ca_info(string channel) |
Return information about the channel, like the host serving it
(returned in array). |
4. How to use ca_get, ca_put, ca_monitor in a PHP
Example 1. shows the php code of how to read and set an EPICS process
variables, example 2. shows how to monitor, i.e. refresh the display
when EPICS value has been changed.
Example 1: test_ca_get_put.php
#load external module
#call function ca_get implemented in the module and display
#the result
$rt = ca_get("TEST:ai1");
echo "Channel TEST:ai1 ".$rt;
#in order to call ca_put function we want to pass a value as a parameter from
#a text field
echo "<FORM METHOD=GET ACTION=test_ca_get_put.php>\n";
echo "</FORM>";
#call the function
#read and display the value
echo "Channel TEST:ai2 ".ca_get("TEST:ai2");
#Note: Channels "TEST:ai1","TEST:ai2" are running as soft channels on a PC
# on PSI network.
It looks like so:
Example 2: test_ca_monitor.php
//load external module
/* The function is called by ca_monitor imlemented in
* module any time when a value of one of EPICS channels changes
* channel name
* value
function test_monitor($a,$b) {
echo "test_monitor called: new value of $a is $b $<BR>\n";
//flush the output buffer to the browser
//flush the output buffer and turn off the output buffering
ob_end_flush() ;
//ca_monitor is implemented in module
echo "$res... Done.";
//Note: Channels "TEST:ai1","TEST:ai2" are running as soft channels on a PC
// on PSI network.
It looks like so:
You don't know and don't want to learn the php scripting language? Try to follow
the next section.
5. Things in progress
Currently a PHP parser/interpreter of adl files (MEDM) is under development. Once it will be finished,
it will allow to see/run (most if not all) MEDM pannel, directly from any recent web browser.
If you are interrested to see the current status of this development contact us.
Author: A.Bertrand, A.Bertrand Phone: +41 56 310 2765 Email: Updated: 29.11.2007
Source: /afs/