CSTextUpdate QML Type

Display the value in given format. More...

Import Statement: import CSDataQuick.Components 1.0



Detailed Description

The value is format to string using format.

The font property can specify the font family, pixelSize, weight, style etc. If unspecified font family is returned from function UtilsJS::getBestFontSize.

If fontSizeMode is Text.Fit, the font pixelSize will fit within the item width and height. If fontSizeMode is Text.FixedSize, Text.VerticalFit or Text.HorizontalFit, the text may extend beyond the height and width specified for the Text item or may not use up all the specified height and width. The text typically does not fill all of the specified height for the Text item.

Row {
    spacing: 5
    CSTextUpdate {
        width: 100
        height: 20
        source: 'catest.SCAN'
    CSTextUpdate {
        width: 100
        height: 20
        source: 'catest'

Property Documentation

align : enumeration

Set the horizontal alignment of the text within the item width.

The valid values for horizontalAlignment are Text.AlignLeft, Text.AlignRight, Text.AlignHCenter and Text.AlignJustify.

font : font

The text font.

fontSizeMode : enumeration

This property specifies how the font size of the displayed text is determined.

See also fontSizeMode.

format : int

This property indicates how the data value is formated to text display.

For all of the formats, the result depends on the number and the precision in limits.

See also TextFormat.

unitsVisible : bool

This property indicates whether to display the physical units if available