08:39 tag G_VHQ_0_3 added
08:39 armstrong docs/VHQ.php 1.1
web version in php script
09:38 tag G_VHQ_0_2 added
09:38 armstrong docs/VHQ.html 1.6
Updated with gui display pictures
09:36 armstrong docs/VHQ.jpg 1.1
docs/VHQ_slimit.jpg 1.1
docs/VHQ_strip.jpg 1.1
Initial Import
08:27 armstrong docs/VHQx0x_eng.pdf 1.1
Manufacturers documentation for VME card
08:23 armstrong GNUmakefile 1.3
App/scripts/GNUmakefile 1.2
App/scripts/test.pl 1.3
14:42 armstrong App/config/medm/G_VHQ.adl 1.5
Corrected Polarity display
14:40 armstrong startup.script 1.1
Initial Import
14:47 armstrong App/config/medm/G_VHQ.adl 1.4
Added strip button and yellow warning boxes for voltage and current selection over the hard limits.
14:46 armstrong App/config/medm/G_VHQ-strip.adl 1.1
Initial Import
14:49 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.13
VHQ203M.template 1.13
VHQ204L.template 1.13
VHQ205L.template 1.13
Limits applied to soft current limit selection
07:23 armstrong EXAMPLE_high-voltage.subs 1.4
VHQ202M.template 1.12
VHQ203M.template 1.12
VHQ204L.template 1.12
VHQ205L.template 1.12
Added Striptool and Power Calculation PV,s
15:17 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.11
VHQ203M.template 1.11
VHQ204L.template 1.11
VHQ205L.template 1.11
Changed value of PREC for voltage PV's
12:43 armstrong docs/VHQ.html 1.4
docs/VHQ.html 1.5
Problems with keyword substitution in html
12:39 armstrong docs/VHQ.html 1.3
Added Date keyword
12:34 armstrong docs/VHQ.html 1.2
12:30 armstrong docs/VHQ.html 1.1
Initial Import
09:30 armstrong App/config/alh/G_VHQ.alhInclude 1.1
Initial Import
09:37 armstrong App/config/medm/G_VHQ.adl 1.3
Cleanup minor size changes
15:14 tag G_VHQ_0_1 added
15:14 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.10
VHQ203M.template 1.10
VHQ204L.template 1.10
VHQ205L.template 1.10
App/config/medm/G_VHQ.adl 1.2
Added bits to define status register values
14:02 armstrong VHQ203M.template 1.9
VHQ204L.template 1.9
VHQ205L.template 1.9
Added Alarm limits
13:52 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.9
Added default alarm limits
10:02 armstrong docs/README.txt 1.2
CVS keyword added
13:30 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.8
VHQ203M.template 1.8
VHQ204L.template 1.8
VHQ205L.template 1.8
Added limits for current and voltage settings
10:24 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.7
VHQ203M.template 1.7
VHQ204L.template 1.7
VHQ205L.template 1.7
Added scan of .1 second to REG2
09:55 tag G_VHQ_0_0 added
09:55 armstrong App/GNUmakefile 1.1
App/config/medm/G_VHQ.adl 1.1
Initial import
09:55 armstrong App/scripts/test.pl 1.2
Corrected pv names
09:34 armstrong App/scripts/GNUmakefile 1.1
App/scripts/test.pl 1.1
Initial import
09:32 armstrong GNUmakefile 1.2
Added subdirectory App
17:11 armstrong EXAMPLE_high-voltage.subs 1.3
Corrected range of current limits
12:58 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.6
VHQ203M.template 1.6
VHQ204L.template 1.6
VHQ205L.template 1.6
Ramp limits included in template
15:38 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.5
VHQ203M.template 1.5
VHQ204L.template 1.5
VHQ205L.template 1.5
corrected precision values
15:29 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.4
VHQ203M.template 1.4
VHQ204L.template 1.4
VHQ205L.template 1.4
Set precision values
14:34 armstrong EXAMPLE_high-voltage.subs 1.2
VHQ202M.template 1.3
VHQ203M.template 1.3
VHQ204L.template 1.3
VHQ205L.template 1.3
Added simulation mode
14:03 armstrong App/config/medm/G_VHQ-test.adl 1.2
changed called adl filename
15:40 armstrong GNUmakefile 1.1
initial import
10:48 armstrong docs/README.txt 1.1
initial import
10:44 armstrong App/config/medm/G_VHQ-test.adl 1.1
initial import
10:41 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.2
VHQ203M.template 1.2
VHQ204L.template 1.2
VHQ205L.template 1.2
Added CVS keyword
10:38 armstrong VHQ202M.template 1.1
VHQ203M.template 1.1
VHQ204L.template 1.1
VHQ205L.template 1.1
EXAMPLE_high-voltage.subs 1.1
Initial import
10:28 armstrong MODULE 1.1
initial import

This page was created on Tue Jun 12 10:44:02 2007 using cl2html written by Simon Josefsson.