EPICS at the Paul Scherrer Institute

What's "EPICS"?

EPICS means "Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System". It is a collection of client/server software to build distributed real-time control systems. It is used by a number of scientific institutes, such as particle accelerators or telescopes. EPICS is maintained by the community of EPICS users. It is free of charge. Visit the EPICS home page.

What's the Paul Scherrer Institute?

The Paul Scherrer Institute is a federal scientific research center in north Switzerland. It is home of several EPICS controlled particle accelerators:

EPICS Software

This is a collection of EPICS drivers and other software that have been developped or improved at the PSI.

EPICS Training (in German and English)

The section Control Systems of the PSI offers an EPICS Training, a one-day course on the Control System EPICS. This course is customized for the PSI facilities.

In addition there are lessons provided for programmers to write his/her own EPICS client applications in C.

Author: Dirk Zimoch   Phone: +41 56 310 5182   Email: dirk.zimoch@psi.ch   Source: /afs/psi.ch/project/epics/webhosting/index.php